Day 2 Result, Day 3 Request

So the idea for today's 30 Day Art Challenge was Joseph's and it was "the lights at the end of the optics are different colors make up a city."  He also included a link to a picture of some fiber optics lit up similar to the one above.  I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that but this is what I made.  It was created in Photoshop from a photo of some fiber optic filaments and a night photo of Grand Rapids.  The only other idea i had was to actually create a fiber optic city scene.  You can purchase the filament pretty cheaply and I figured you could use black foam-core to sketch a city on and poke pin holes through to feed the fibers through.  I could  use different colored LEDs to light the fibers and it'd be pretty cool.  Buuuutttt...  obviously I don't have the time to order the filament (they didn't have any at Hobby Lobby, I checked) and figure it all out if I have to do this in an hour or so of my time.  So this is what ya get.  It's weird but kinda cool at the same time I think.  I had to do quite a bit to the city photo to get those colors, get it glowing right, and merge it with the photo so it looked reasonable.  Oh well, weird but Day 2 anyway!
It's time to submit your ideas for day 3.  New rule:  Only one submission per person.  If you have more than one good idea, save it for another day.  If you really want to see me try to do an idea of yours that didn't get picked, resubmit it again the next day and so on.  Please keep them fairly general and do not include directions for process (i.e.- "a painting..." or " a drawing..." etc.) I want to figure that part out from your idea.  Ok let's hear 'em ya'll!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love your neighbors not your stuff.

  3. That is BRILLIANT. Seriously love it though.

  4. Sorry bout the directions thing, I wasn't sure whether that was going to be a problem.

    Legolas and Gimli in Lothlorien.

  5. No worries dude, it wasn't pointed at you specifically. more of general guideline as I go forward. Thanks for the submissions. I'm hoping one of yours gets drawn here soon!

  6. just discovered you were doing this and its a sweet idae so far i like the 2 you have done and they reminded my of something i always wanted to see....

    i serious picture be it drawn painted whatever of a city where all objects are switched, ie organic objects make up buildings cars fire hydrants etc... and non organic objects become the living things

  7. Sorry guys, I had to work sat night from 3pm to after 1am at a salon painting. It threw everything off as i had to volunteer in jr. high the next morning too so i finally got home at 1pm or so today. We then ate lunch and i crash for a bit then hung out with the family. I still am planning on doing 30 days, I just may have the occasional day that doesn't work come up and weekends may end up being bad. But I will roll the ideas for Saturday over to Monday and plan on jumping back in tomorrow. so you all have more time to get an idea in if you haven't yet.

  8. my evil blonde twin...and her voice.

  9. Here is my idea. represent the idea of healing through a piece of artwork. You know taking something broken and making it whole again

  10. Kirk, here's my idea for today: Sara Groves writes "I just showed up for my own life....the glory of God is man fully alive." What does it look like to choose to live fully alive. Alive to our longings- met and unmet-, alive to who we were truly created to be, unafraid of ourselves, restored, honest in the struggle of the journey we are on, showing up each day as the best version of get the idea. :)

  11. So I did this one thursday night, heather's idea was the one randomly selected: "Sara Groves writes "I just showed up for my own life....the glory of God is man fully alive." What does it look like to choose to live fully alive. Alive to our longings- met and unmet-, alive to who we were truly created to be, unafraid of ourselves, restored, honest in the struggle of the journey we are on, showing up each day as the best version of ourselves...
    I broke my flash card reader so i couldn't get the picture of the result on here until now so check out the new post with the result and maybe post a new idea!


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